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Petit Pan La couleur en liberté

1,500 JPY

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Petit Pan is a French brand and well known by its colourful prints and decorations for home. Belgian artist Myriam De Loor and Chinese kite designer Pan Gang are founders of this brand. Their dreams, independent minds and senses of colour made the poetic world. Their creativities appear on various kinds of items of Petit Pan. In this book, Paumes visited their family home in Paris. Like visiting their home, you can enjoy to see from the entrance hall to the home studio in the basement with lots of beautiful photographs. Their home is full of inspiration for interior ideas and using colours freely. And you will notice the most important thing is ”being the cosy place” for all of family member. As well Paumes visited Petit Pan boutiques and their studio. Let’s enjoy lots of colours and happy patterns in your everyday life like Petit Pan! Format : A5 / 80 coloured pages Publisher : édition PAUMES, Japan Author : PAUMES Language : French & Japanese http://www.paumes.com/book-e/detail-e/petitpan/petitpan.html

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